Profile for cwnation

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Time Gone by...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sheila and i just discovered the killeen bike and hike trail. it is not a bad alternative to walk your dog. The trail is brand new for the city, so new, that Google earth does not even have it showing up in their image database. therefore i had to highlight the approximate path the trail makes. the main trail which runs from ws young to 38th street is about 1 mile long, and runs along Nolan creek. the loop of the trail, which is also 1 mile long, goes around the sports complex. i think that that the trail is a nice start with potential to be great as soon as some more trees have been planted and some landscaping around the creek. the big minus about the trail is that it runs not far along a sewage plant, which can be pretty apparent at some parts of the trail. i am excited to what extend the city will expand the trail.