Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Time Gone by...

Friday, August 17, 2007

I just got done with plotting all the photos of cwnation to Google earth. if you want to check them out download the google earth file from the navigation bar at the right. you will need Google earth downloaded in your computer to view this album. I also have the same pictures plotted on my picasa album, but the Google earth version is much more accurate.

you may ask yourself, why i decided to take on such a timeconsuming and tidiouse undertaking. well it has helped me with my urges to smoke. though my urges are pretty much gone. it did help me keep my fingers busy. i guess spending so much time on a project that maybe only a hand full of people will enjoy, is just like all those videos that i have produced of my vacations. i guess people that enjoy those would enjoy my google earth markers.