Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Friday, June 09, 2006

...i had my first volleyball class. man; am i out of shape. i have not had a "side-sting" since i was in middle school, and all we did was practice the "forarm pass" and the "set". it was alot of fun, but i do dred doing a real match. another middle school flashback i experienced was when we all had to get a volley ball out of the bin, I ended up with no ball. I am just glad that i am not the fattest person in class. and i do not mean the phatest, because that's what i am.

Texas is hot, and summer has not officaly started yet. tonight, sheila and i and some friends are going to have a little party on the boat. we wanted to do it tomorrowe night, but mom wants to use the boat on that night.

what a game. i left work early today to catch the first game of the 2006 world cup. I have all right to do that because i am german, i would be commiting a mortal sin if i were to miss any german game. germany played costa rica, and germany won 4:2