Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

...of this show. I have been producing this cooking for the last 2 years and it seams like there is no end. we started shooting the first two seasons in the fall of 2004. it was great, sponsors donated food, cabinets, stove, sink, preety much everything that you need to build a kitchen inside a TV studio. after the first 26 shows have been shot, they have to be edited. I had to experience the joy of editing 26 cooking shows by november. you would think that that would be the end of that. far from it. next thing was that johnny wanted to make and marked a DVD from his program. producing a cooking show like this is a full time job, year around. that would be fine and dandy if that would be the only project i would have to work on. but since my department consists of a skeleton crew and a couple of interns, it can get pretty overwelming and frustrating. the efford is paying off though. last fall, we pulled the cabinets back out of storage and reassembled the kitchen in our studio to shoot 13 more shows. this set of shows came out alot better than the first set. New the show has been picked up by some mayor markets in Texas. I am proud of that, but we pretty much commited to produce more shows now. In september, the show should be distributed nation wide through PBS. But now I am busy dublicating and producing promotonal material for the program and the DVD. I can't hear that song anymore (paying my dues blues, from the Killer Tracks music Library) off coarse, everyone has to be happy. I don't know how many photographs we took. how many times johnny changed his mind about the picture he wants on the cover. Then I misspelled Cheese on the artwork for the DVD cover. Luckly I noticed that when Discmakers sent me the Proofs. (Setup charge down the drain) Now we have 1000 DVD's that we are trieng to sell. My boss does not like the quality of the "web quality video" we have on the website. I told him that i would resample the clip from 400k to 800k. well the frustration that prompted me to rant on the show was to discover that there is no visual difference between the 400k and the 800k clip.