Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Time Gone by...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

every thing went great. didnt see any snakes, dispite of some warnings. i was never worried. i have lived in texas for almost 15 years, i spend alot of time on, in and around the water. i also go hiking and geocachung, and i have never seen a snake in the wild. i think they are just affraid of me....anyways. our first river trip with the canoe was great. it took us about 3.5 hours to travel the 5.5 mile stretch from gravel crossing to stillhouse bridge. we didnt get to cache, because the river banks were less than ideal to step out on. plus i forgot to bring the machete with me. wednsday afternoon its back to barefoot camp. there we are going to meet up with some friends. sheila has to work saturday, so we are going to head back to killeen on friday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your video clip. I like your guys canoe and I can see you had a lots of fun. Very adventure. i'm happy for you guys. I bet you all had muscle pain the next day . Love - mom