Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Time Gone by...

Friday, February 01, 2008

I had to make a trip to the marina to pay for the slip. i asked if cassy's wanted to come along. se he grabed his dogs and i got krumpus and we made a day with the kids out of it. all the dogs got along with eachother. krumpus and Cassy's dog toby seamed to befriend each other. only cortney was not to sure about krumpus at first.

we took the boat on a spin and chatted about god and the world for several hours. it was really windy and my lips are so chaped, that the first thing i did when i got home was put some nivea on my lips. outch it burned.

after wards, cassy and i drove around a hung some ron paul signes, and fix some signs that had gotten loose.