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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posted on: Thursday, February 21, 2008, 12:04 AM
By Kevin M. Smith
Killeen Daily Herald

Ron Paul will be in town Saturday, and people who drove near Fort Hood's east gate at Rancier Avenue and Fort Hood Street on Wednesday know about it.

About 70 people waved signs midday supporting Paul, who is seeking the Republican nomination for president. Congressman Paul, R-Texas, will speak during a rally at 11 a.m. Saturday at Vive Les Arts, 3401 S. W.S. Young Drive in Killeen. Doors open at 10:15 a.m.

"The word got out (about Wednesday's sign wave event) everywhere in Texas, and Ron Paul heard about it," said Vincent Campos, of Mineral Wells.

Campos said that led to Paul scheduling a visit to Killeen.

Campos served in the Army from 2004 to 2007 and was stationed at Fort Hood. He joined the Army to fight the war in Iraq and spent 2006 there.

"After going there ... my entire outlook on the war has completely changed," Campos said.

He said Paul is the best candidate to support the troops and bring them home.

"He has a plan," Campos said.

That plan is for all military operations in Iraq to stop and for troops to come home in the safest manner possible, according to Paul's Web site

"On my first day as commander in chief, I will direct the Joint Chiefs of Staff and our commanders on the ground to devise and execute a plan to immediately withdraw our troops in the safest manner possible," reads a statement on Paul's policies.

A Ron Paul meet-up group in Killeen worked with Campos to organize the event.

"It's just exciting that a presidential candidate is coming to Killeen," said Christian Wohlfarht, of Killeen. "Killeen sometimes gets its spot on the map."

Mike Bartoszek, of Killeen, is also part of that meet-up group. He said Wednesday's sign wave event had a positive response.

"I think the sign wave was a good indicator," Bartoszek said.

The event Saturday will be a welcome-home and troop support celebration in addition to a campaign rally, organizers said.

"Listen to what he has to say. You're tired of the Republican Party ... a lot of folks are jumping ship to punish the party," Wohlfarht said. "Just give him a chance."

Paul, who represents the 14th District of Texas in the southeast part of the state including Galveston, trails dramatically in the primary elections. According to, Paul has garnered just 16 delegates, compared to Sen. John McCain's 918.

But that doesn't daunt Paul's supporters.

After all is said and done in the primary elections across the United States, delegates at the Republican National Convention in August will select the candidate to run for president.

"He said himself he is going all the way to the end," Campos said.

For more information on local Paul support or the rally Saturday, e-mail

The Texas primary election is March 4.

Contact Kevin M. Smith at or call (254) 501-7550