Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

... sheila and I threw a little get-together with some friends to honor toes farewell. It was ment to be this big "binge-fest" but it ended up being just a really nice and layed back gathering with friends. Sheilas Skip-and-go-nakid was a big hit. Ruhl bought a Gallon of Jager. sosa and her boyfriend came over, and so did maria and erik from accross the street. No Alcohole comas at this party. Fred called me up at 2am, right when the party desolved.

since we had so many people together in a good mood, we decided to take this opperunity to shoot a scene for dr. coughdrops music video "Giant Cockroach". it was crazy fun, and once the video is compleated, i will naturaly post it here.