Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

...on you would have to create an account at to follow, but trust me, there is plenty going on....

this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Time Gone by...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

....we started our canoe trip at the fishing peer and first headed to the maroon island then then picked up thicket island. then we went after "foundation". as soon as we found it Krumpus started going after a scent, and off she went. we spend about 2 hours looking for her. we followed the sound of her bark into the woods east of GZ. we got cut and bruises from going through the woods. i got my left eye scratched. then the barking stopped and we went searching blind. we searched in vain and already started to give up hope of ever finding our krumpus. then we heard her bark in the distance. but just every once in awhile. lucius started getting excited and decided that we are going to let her follow the scent. minuets later we would hear another bark that would send us into another heading. lucius started pulling and we finally found krumpus rolled up under a tree. we were so happy to have found krumpus. we headed back to the canoe and went back home. we did not even get to sign the log, but trust me, we were there.(look at the post below)
i hope krumpus is going to be OK, she has been throwing up a little. we are thinking it may of been the heat, because all of us feel like we have been beaten to a pulp. we checked for snake bites, cant find anything, just some cuts on her belly. if she still feels bad in the morning, we are going to take her to the vet...

probably our most adventures cache hunt.

the red line is the Search Path, and the Yellow line is the paddle rout


Anonymous said...

what a touching story . Hope Krumpes will be o.k. let me know
Love - muah - mom

Unknown said...

Krumpus is OK...she was her old self today....thank jah