Profile for cwnation

The Story Continues...

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this site will stay maintained, but there will not be much news here. feel free to search the past if you are feeling nostalgic.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016


Free TripleA Maps .. 77 Maps For offline installation


TripleA is a free turn based strategy game and board game engine. Has single player vs ai/hot-seat, multiplayer through Play By Email, network play, and a hosted Online lobby. Comes with 4 games, and over 100 more games and maps that can be downloaded. Needs only Java to run, so can run on Windows, Mac, Linux. Supports features like save games, encrypted dice gen, low luck, and many more options.
TripleA comes with, by default, just 4 maps (Big World, Great War, Capture the Flag, and Minimap), so you must install more. Here is how:

All you have to do is start up TripleA 1.2.X.X (Yes that means run the .exe or .sh) and click on the “Show Maps” button.
Then click “list games”.


Select map you want to install then Click install Game Button
there is a 77 Maps available in this Version
just Download it and start Playing

Type ZIP archive
Size 328.86 MB


you don’t need to download the maps Manually, Just download them to your computer from

Source Free TripleA Maps .. 77 Maps For offline installation