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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Final review.

Essay 1.

Informative outline.

I. Intro
A. attention getter-wanna kiss today
B. Topic- today I am going to inform you how hershys kisses are made.
C. Preview-first we are going to tell you history how they are made
and where they are today.
II. History
A. Penn
B. Bob smith
III. How they are made
IV. Where the company is today
V. Conclusion
A. Postview-now we have looked at the history. How to and current
B. Topic- today I indomend you about kisses
C. Clincher- I like my kisses sweet

Essay 2.

Persuasive history

Define- why - example -

Ethos-speaker credibility, Believe speaker, recite references.

Pathoes- emotional argument, show that speaker cares, children with

Logos - logic, facts, 99/100 like ice cream

Essay 3 - persuasive contemporary

Draw Maslow triangle bottom up

Physiological - food water shelter money
Safty- without fear
Love and belonging- making conecrions
Esteem- self an others
Self acculisation - be all you can be

a aummary of an commercial discribe what needs they hit.

Essay 4.
Write a special occations speech.
1. Adress the occations
2. Tell a story about the
3. well wish
4. Toast

Four types of informative speeches
1. Objects
2. Process
3. Events
4. Concepts

Persuasive speaking.
Monroes modivative sequence
Attention, need, sadisfaction, visulasation, action.

Three types of plagerism
1. Global-copieing the whole thing
2. Patchwork-taking from multipal sources and calling it your own
3. Incrimental-uaing a source without saying it outloud

Eight logical fallacy
1. Hasty generalisation- jumping to an conclusion without evidence.
2. Post hoc ergo propter hoc- false cause
3. Invalid analogy-apples and oranges.
4. Red herring- deverding the issue
5. Adhoninom-attacking person oppose to issue.
6. Either or fallacy- gives two alternatives without entertaining more
7. Bandwagon-everybody is doing it.
8. Slippery slope-one thing is going to lead to another if you don't ...

Differnces of listing and hearing
Hearing is passive and continues, does not mean retention.

Listeing is active and speratic and it leads to greater retention.